Дом ужаса

Дом ужаса

Добавлена:2020.04.23 13:31
Сериал:Байки из склепа
Сезон: 5-й
Перевод:Профессиональный многоголосый закадровый (НТВ)
Скачали:3893 (3 сегодня)
Three fraternity pledges are challenged to get to the top floor of a "haunted" house as part of their initiation by their cruel leader (Кевин Диллон). The leader himself soon learns that the house is connected to the member of a neighboring sorority who he is attracted to (Meredith Salenger) and that she and the rest of her sorority share a sinister secret. Also stars Brian Krause and Уилл Уитон.
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